Marie C. Zoutomou-Quintanilla


Hello, I’m Marie C. Zoutomou-Quintanilla, but you can call me MarieZQ.

With a diverse background spanning 15 years in sales, over eight years in HR, and a solid 12 years in management, I’ve worn many professional hats. However, my true passion lies in empowering others. I wear multiple CEO hats as the founder of a Speaking and Coaching company and a nonprofit organization. These roles allow me to combine my love for serving others with my dedication to teaching and coaching. Armed with an MBA, I’m on a mission to make a significant impact. My goal is to touch the lives of 6 million souls this year through the power of sharing knowledge and education. Join me on this journey of growth, learning, and transformation as we work together to create positive change in the lives of many.

Points to Focus on: 1. Positive Attitude as a Foundation: Emphasize the importance of maintaining a positive attitude as the cornerstone of effective HR compliance partnerships. Highlight how a positive mindset can influence problem-solving and collaboration. 2. Challenges as Opportunities: Discuss how challenges in HR compliance can be reframed as opportunities for growth and improvement. Share real-world examples of organizations that have turned compliance hurdles into success stories. 3. Effective Communication: Highlight the role of effective communication in building strong partnerships. Explore strategies for open and constructive dialogues, both within HR teams and with other departments or stakeholders. 4. Resilience and Adaptability: Address the need for resilience in the face of changing regulations and industry dynamics. Provide practical tips for staying adaptable and responsive while maintaining a positive outlook. These points will help you create a comprehensive and engaging course that focuses on HR compliance partnership with a positive perspective. Headshot (clear and latest picture) to be added here.