Mindful Leadership: Walking the Talk

Recorded Session
60 Minutes

This talk will address the importance for leaders of all levels to not only set the right example but also, on a regular basis, appreciate the contributions of their workforce, communicate mindfully to encourage and inspire, lead with humility and without ego, and manage their emotions. The research on mindfulness and its application in the workplace will also be presented.


Leaders set the tone and mood for the rest of the organization. To fully inspire and bring out the best in the workforce, leadership has to lead by example and “walk the talk.” They can’t say one thing and do another. To attract, engage, and retain top talent, leaders need to create more human and employee-centered workplace environments.


  • The audience will be able to:
  • Improve their level of self-awareness
  • Communicate mindfully and with compassion
  • Lead with confidence combined with humility
  • Better manage their emotions to remain calm during challenging situations
  • Implement mindfulness techniques to reduce stress and improve focus and productivity


  • Understanding how our mind, thoughts, and emotions impact our reactions and behavior.
  • Tools for managing stress, anxiety, and emotions, and staying calm and collected during challenging situations.
  • The value of consistently appreciating our colleagues.
  • Attendees will be encouraged to lead by example by setting a proper leadership model.
  • Learn breathing and focusing techniques that can reduce stress, improve productivity, and boost emotional intelligence.


  • All

Leaders set the tone and mood for the rest of the organization. To fully inspire and bring out the best in the workforce, leadership has to lead by example and “walk the talk.” They can’t say one thing and do another. To attract, engage, and retain top talent, leaders need to create more human and employee-centered workplace environments.

  • The audience will be able to:
  • Improve their level of self-awareness
  • Communicate mindfully and with compassion
  • Lead with confidence combined with humility
  • Better manage their emotions to remain calm during challenging situations
  • Implement mindfulness techniques to reduce stress and improve focus and productivity
  • Understanding how our mind, thoughts, and emotions impact our reactions and behavior.
  • Tools for managing stress, anxiety, and emotions, and staying calm and collected during challenging situations.
  • The value of consistently appreciating our colleagues.
  • Attendees will be encouraged to lead by example by setting a proper leadership model.
  • Learn breathing and focusing techniques that can reduce stress, improve productivity, and boost emotional intelligence.
  • All
Webinar Option
Transcript (PDF Transcript of the Training)
Downloadable Recorded Session

Speaker Profile

ins_img Pandit Dasa

Pandit Dasa is a Mindful Leadership Expert, author, and motivational keynote speaker. His inspirational speeches aim to create a more mindful workplace culture that increases productivity and improves retention.He encourages leadership and co-workers to appreciate and celebrate the success and contributions of others. This attitude fosters trust enhances teamwork and greatly impacts employee performance. He emphasizes the importance of leading without ego and highlights the importance of cultivating self-awareness and personal growth and development.Pandit captures the audience's attention by sharing his journey on how and why he spent 15 years living as a monk in New York …

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